
Hi, I'm Sam

Who is Sam?

I'm a born and raised New Yorker -- married with two beautiful daughters and a fur baby named Hank. I love being outside. A perpetual student of food's relationship to our bodies and the planet, I'm always seeking to have and share a healthy relationship with food. My experience in the realm of nutrition comes from once having a not-so-healthy relationship with food, and having to relearn so I can be healthy and happy. Of course nutrition isn't the whole story - a well-balanced life involves creating space for relationships, exercise, spirituality and meaningful work as well.


My personal history with food

I've always had sensitive, reactive skin, especially in middle school. I broke out easily, and I would get severe, widespread, debilitating itching spells after I'd shower. I saw countless dermatologists. They couldn't help me -- they thought it was dry skin. "Here's a topical ointment," they'd say, and send me on my way.

I remember reading an article in Cosmopolitan that asked the question: Does chocolate make your skin break out? This was a new concept to me, that what I eat could be affecting my skin, and who knows what else! This was in the early days of the Internet, which had become a useful tool for me; I started to come across articles which paired the relationship between food and my symptoms. My mind was blown.

After some intense digging and experimenting, I discovered I was allergic to certain foods that caused these issues. This was my first real understanding of the relationship between my skin and what I was eating. I'd started asking my doctors about the possibility that what I'm eating could be making my skin itch. They'd never mentioned that it could be related to food before. In fact, many doctors over the years thought I was crazy to even consider that there may be a connection. Hmm...

I was also a heavier kid. Throughout my childhood I was told to watch my weight; though it felt like the guidance wasn't there to actually create better habits in those formative years. Through my teens and twenties, I tried every diet in the book - calorie counting, crash diets, removal of food groups, even starvation. Ultimately nothing worked long term because my overall relationship with food was negative and uninformed. Only once I healed that, I was able to take control of my health.


My philosophy with food

Food is the foundation of culture – it connects people to places and experiences. It is best served with family and friends over long periods laughing and enjoying each other’s company. It is best fresh, and from the earth.

There is so much shame and anxiety around food, for lots of reasons. Carbs are the enemy! All fats are bad! In today's world, information about food and health is everywhere. Unfortunately, much of it is presented in the context of fear, with lots of mixed messages. I want to take away the fear and confusion surrounding food, increase the joy, and empower you to find your own health and happiness.


My philosophy with coaching

As an integrative health coach, I'd say I'm a mix between a therapist and a nutritionist. The more I know about your life the more integrative our work can be. I'm here as a resource and a sounding board for you, in a comfortable, open, judgement-free, client-centered environment. In our sessions, we collaborate on ways to help you take control of situations that feel out of your control.

Consider me a supportive mentor or vegetable shaman, with knowledge of holistic concepts around food and wellness. I work with you to help you feel your best through lifestyle changes and behavior modification. Instead of prescribing one diet or way of exercising, we will create a program to meet your life and needs.



Why I'm a health coach

My first client was me. What started as a quest to find answers to my own health questions turned into a passion to help others do the same. I use what I’ve learned about nutrition and habit formation to help my clients make changes that stick.